Dem Publikum etwas bieten, was begeistert, inspiriert und fesselt
By Barbara Ruda, Wed, 29 November 2017, Lörrach BZ, Badische Zeitung
“You have to be able to retrieve everything you can at the given second. But painting under observation also means a great responsibility - to offer the audience something that inspires, inspires and captivates them.”
Action Painting by Elena Politowa in the BZ Office
Ausstellung mit einem
By Roswitha Frey, Wed, 05 July 2017, Schopfheim, BZ, Badische Zeitung
Wandern zum Werkstattgespräch
By Barbara Ruda, Mo, 19 September 2016, Lörrach, BZ, Badische Zeitung
ANDA 114. magazine for flamenco.